My blog post from yesterday was all about the first time I 'got' charcoal. I mentioned in it that the following week I really got stuck into making the most of the medium. This post is a quick one with some pictures from that class.

The podium in the drawing room was covered in a random assortment of objects, and depending on our position in the room and proximity to the podium, we were to draw a section of whatever we could see. I took a quick photo of the view from my easel. It included a toy scooter, a knitted reindeer, an electric fan and a couple of gourds.

Charcoal study photo, Studio Drawing

I won't go into techniques here, as I talked about that in the other post. But basically I kept working back into my drawing with the charcoal and kneadable eraser to create shades, contrasts and textures within the piece. I was so focused on it that I think I missed most of the lunch break. The photo of my finished work is below.

Charcoal study, Studio Drawing

We had a bit longer in class that week than usual, so this is the result of about four hours' work.

I've also included a few close up photos from the drawing, as it was a fairly large piece on A1 paper and the detail gets a bit lost. I'm still very much a beginner, but I really enjoyed working on this. I consider it (and the previous week's work) to be a personal breakthrough, as I had to get through a lot of resistance to finally enjoy using charcoal as a medium.

Charcoal study detail, Studio Drawing

Charcoal study detail, Studio Drawing

Charcoal study detail, Studio Drawing